Saturday, June 2, 2012

School's out and my life is crazy!!

I have been looking forward to summer break more than probably school age children do, and thought this week would be great for organizing my home. Also was planning on getting caught up on posts I had planned and writing reviews. {I do a lot of planning for myself.... when I'm not lesson planning. LOL}

Well, as I'm sure you have noticed, not many new posts or reviews up on the blog. That's because life has gotten in the way. Life has a funny way of saying, "Sorry about your plans, but you are going to spend the week with an injured husband running in and out of urgent care... Struggling to help him and take care of the kids. Oh, and just in case you thought you might have a few minutes... your daughter's dance recital is also going to take up the rest of your time. Maybe you can start on your plans next week .... or I might get in your way again. Hahaha!!!! {think dark, evil bad guy laugh here}" 

Ok I know "Life" isn't really laughing at me, but after all we have been through this week I need to blame something or someone! ;)

Going through all this with my husband, and the drama that went with my daughter's dance recital. {2 recital practices this week, and then staying up half of last night working with my daughter to help teach her the dance myself! I'm not the most coordinated dancer by any means either Her dance instructor quit without notice, and the new one was tossed in teaching 9 different classes. Then got all the dances confused while trying to finish up the routines.... total madness} Anyways..... I have decided I need to quit getting so caught up in planning my days/ life, and at least leave a little room for the unexpected.  

If anyone has had a stressful week or has any words of encouragement to share.... please do! Kinda struggling here. I could so use some "been there it will get better" comments. 

Thanks for listening...reading =)


  1. Oh I can TOTALLY relate! I had every intention of getting my coupon binder organized, blog posts written and caught up, etc on Friday then a late evening phone call Friday reminding me of my kids 3 month Dr appt, that I completely forgot about! EVERY SINGLE WEEK there is something that comes up here. Just when I think I am going to get "me" time someone else needs me, or the minute I sit down to rest the dog (1 of 6) likes to run and open the storm door and run the other way, i get up close it, he comes back to repeat. it's never ending and I know what you mean. I don't know how old your kids are but mine are 11, 12, 13, and 14. The 14 y/o is working so I am constantly running for him and the others are usually so involved with fighting each other b/c they are "just so bored" that I never catch a break.

    1. Seems like that's the way it you said the "me time" for Moms just gets tossed out the window. Good Luck, and hope you get to take some "me time" very soon, April! Sounds like you deserve it. =)

  2. I have 3 daughters ages 18, 6 and 4. I was always very structured with schedules and routines. My kids were on the best schedules when it came to eating, napping, playtime, bathtime, etc. About a year ago it seemed like life was getting in the way of my schedule. At first it was really difficult for me to adjust. We were so used to our routine and any thing that threw us off schedule screwed up the whole day. Not only was it difficult for me but really tough for my 2 youngest. One day I just decided "screw it". I tossed the schedule...undid the routine and went about living in the moment. I've found that the less I plan, the more I accomplish! When there are kids involved it seems like things come up all the time and we put our to do list to the side...making up for the lost time in the middle of the night. My advice is "if it doesn't get finished today, it can get finished tomorrow". We can't plan the unexpected! Just go with the flow and do what you can! Hang in there!

    1. Thank you... that is so true!!! I do over plan, and then just get disappointed in myself for not living up to my own plans! lol {it's like revolving cycle.} Thinking this next week I will throw my lists and plans out and just "go with the flow". With my hubby recuperating it will probably be the best... dare I say it.... plan! =)

  3. I can relate in a HUGE way right now! My overcrowded plate just got a new thing added and so it is time to take a breath. People are more important than a list of things to do. Our relationships with others, including our children, is what life is all about. Here's hoping that the coming week offers up something better!

    1. Hoping things go better this coming week too! Thanks for the kind words....

      Take 2 deep breaths or maybe even 3 or 4... and then tell yourself you can do this! Try to prioritize you "plate" and just accomplish what you can. We all try to be superwomen, and people forget we are just one person doing the best we can. =)

  4. I can relate too! My husband is off work for most of the summer. Which means I am now following along on his plan and the dishes and laundry are piling up. Some days we are only here long enough to make dirty dishes for breakfast and supper and then take showers and go to bed. We have been out of coffee for 3 days and I still haven't been to the store! I just have to remind myself that fall will come soon enough and things will even out. For now, I just pray that no one drops by to see my mess! Praying for a quick recovery for your husband and some peace in the midst of chaos for you.

    1. Know exactly where you coming from! My husband, until very recently, was a contractor, and when he was off work for a while our whole routine changed! It's hard to switch from you plans to hubby's plans. But it's like everyone is saying... people are more important... so I know that applies to laundry and cleaning as well. {Least I hope, so because my home looks like a tornado has destroyed every room leaving the walls intact!}

      Now as far as being out of coffee.... don't know how you are functioning!! Seriously, I love my morning iced coffee... ( regular brewed coffee some days but I'm on an iced coffee kick right now)... think that's a sign you are super busy. Hoping life calms down for you too!!!!

      I truly appreciate the prayers for my hubby. Thanks bunches. :)

  5. Thanks for the much needed hugs! ;)

    LOL I know at the time all those messes are being made you can't always laugh. Like people say .... "too soon?" but really I didn't know about the lotion on his clothes! You will think it's funny before long. Been there.... do you remember when my daughter grabbed the vaseline out of the bathroom and rubbed it all over our black sectional in the living room? I can laugh about that now! & I was crying when I found her so proud finger painting with! Hope your lil guy takes a break for a few days and just plays with his toys... maybe some his Aunt bought for him. ;)

  6. I would so love to say, been there it will get better, but really I don't think it will! That is the joy of being a GOOD MOM! I know it sucks and it's not easy at all, but I have learned to tell myself life gets in the way of MY plans BUT it makes new plans that show our kindred spirit and show us the fact that we are great people built to overcome anything! And since you are here writing this even after all of your happenings, you proved to life itself that you are the one in control even when what you control isn't exactly what you thought it would be =] No need for it to get better!

    1. Amber,
      This week is going better.... no lists or plans. Just going with the flow. love that "you proved to life itself that you are the one in control"! Thank you so much. =)


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