Blogger Opps

If you are a blogger looking to increase your fan base... here are some giveaways that have FREE LINK options.  Make sure and tell them Amanda from Coupons and Lesson Plans sent you. =)

Blogger Opportunity - Green Your Family Giveaway 

Bloggers needed to help spread the word about this giveaway! If you have anything that you want to include in this giveaway please email: las930 at charter dot net.

Sponsors so Far: Glass Dharma Block Island Organics Faucet Face Mia Mariu's Squeasy Snacker blu apple
Total Value: $200
There will be 3 winners.
1st prize Glass Dharma $25 gift certificate Block Island Organics - 1 each of spf15 & sunburn rel Faucet Face - choice of 1 bottle Squeasy Snacker Little Sun Solar Lamp Mia Mariu's Skin Nourishing Oil
2nd prize Colortime recycled tote and markers Squeasy Snacker 1 set of 2 Blu Apples
3rd Prize Squeasy Snacker 1 set of 2 Blu Apples
I will give 2 free links with posting of this Bloggers Opportunity HERE.


1 comment:

  1. Could you email me and further explain how the blogging opp works?? I have read through but am still not quite sure how it works. Thanks!!!


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